Personal Construct Theory & Practice
Personal Construct Psychology was developed by George A. Kelly and presented in his ground-breaking work “The Psychology of Personal Constructs” in 1955. In this book he developed a theory of personality centred around the distinctive ways in which individuals construct and reconstruct the meanings of their lives, which he subsequently elaborated in a series of papers. While Kelly’s original focus was on applications to psychotherapy and counselling, personal construct concepts and methods have been used to understand such topics as diverse as stuttering, the development and breakdown of close relationships, vocational decision making, education, bereavement and organisational behaviour.
This journal publishes papers on personal construct theory as well as its applications in a variety of disciplines, such as psychotherapy and counselling, education, and organisational behaviour. It also serves as a forum for practitioners in the various professions involved. Contributions from related disciplines are also welcome.
The journal is published in agreement with the George Kelly Society.
Contributions to this journal are peer-reviewed. Manuscripts should be submitted to the Managing Editor. Instructions for authors can be found at the side bar.
Access to this journal is free. A password is not required.
Publication of new articles is announced on the George Kelly Society NewsBlog.
More on personal construct theory and its applications can be found in the Internet Encyclopaedia of Personal Construct Psychology currently in preparation. Information on organisations, websites, conferences, references etc. is available through the George Kelly Society; the latest developments, events etc. can be found in the PCP NewsBlog.
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