Volume 11, 2014


Bell, R. C.
Did Hinkle prove laddered constructs are superordinate? A re-examination of his data suggests not.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 11, 2014, 1-5
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Hopkins, N. J.
Return to the market place: Structural change in personal construction on recovery from the experuence of agoraphobia.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 11, 2014, 38-54
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Procter, H. G.
Peirce’s contributions to constructivism and personal construct psychology: I. Philosophical aspects.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 11 (Suppl. No 1), 2014, 6-33
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Walker, B. M.
Dennis Neil Hinkle 1935 – 2014.
Personal Construct Theory & Practice, 11, 2014, 34-37
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